Today, there are thousands of parties who are ever eager to peek at your finances. Some of them tell you what to buy and sell, advise you which bank accounts you should be using, what investments you should be making, and so forth. Rightly or wrongly, they try to enter your personal life and steer you in a certain direction.
Still, whether they’re after your information, wanting to enroll you on their services, or even scam you, it can be difficult to know who to trust and who to refuse. After all, they’re all masquerading as white knights, bulletproof helpers who you need – even if you don’t know it yet.
Consequently, when you’re in the financial arena it’s worth asking the question; just who can you trust?
How to Decide?
Anyone who’s relentlessly bothering you should always be ignored. Of course, this is a general rule of life, both inside the financial sphere and out. However, last September nuisance callers faced a crackdown on their practices, with new legislation introduced to make them liable for harassment. Today, these thugs give themselves away the moment they give you a ring or fire you a message.
Simply put, if you’re being continuously pestered by these callers or texters claiming to offer the best financial help going, start hanging up and blocking numbers. More than likely, the case is that they’re not a legitimate service. Anyone who’s desperate for your attention is more than likely not worth your time at all, so you’re not missing anything by snubbing them.
Which Sources Are Most Trustworthy?
Of course, once you’ve removed the toxicity from your help circles, the question remains; which sources are the most trustworthy? Well, with a bit of dedication and research, your detective work can quickly help you find out for yourself.
One option is to pool together recommendations from people you trust, such as friends and family. Which sources have worked best for them? Alternatively, you could come through the internet and unearth recommendations for financial services that are proven to be responsible and morally upstanding. Whether it’s client and customer feedback or BBC News articles, research everything and cross check all the facts. Does the positive word of mouth reflect the mission statement of the service?
Also, you can identify trustworthy services almost immediately by simply looking at how they present themselves. Companies such as Wellington Management detail everything they do with descriptive and distinctive language, which is a clear tell that they know what they’re doing. Conversely, if another service you’re looking at is brief, purposefully vague, and lacking any sort of jargon, this is a clear sign that they’re out to swindle others.