iOS emulator for Android, How to change your Android UI to iOS.

ios emulator for android

The World is shrinking with the growth of cell phone technology, the growth of the number of users is increasing day by day, and hence facilities are also increasing. This is all starts with a simple regular headset, which is basically used for only calling purpose, but as time passes they become an integral part of our lives. Now they are not used only for calling, they have innumerable uses and replaces many of our gadgets from our lives such as  Camera, Music player, Tablet PC, T.V., Web browser etc . And with the new technologies, new software and operating systems are required.And then comes to the point of the User Interface, there are so many user interfaces in the mobile world but the most famous among them are Android UI and IOS, but sometimes when it comes to selection of the UI, then there is some cost we need to pay for the original UI of IOS which only comes to iPhones, but there is no worry for the IOS UI. In Android, there are some apps by which you can change your Android UI into IOS. These all makes a complete IOS emulator for Android.

  •  iCamera style iPhone 7: This android app is used for the conversion of your camera UI, it changes your default UI to the IOS user interface, and you can click images directly by this app.

ios emulator for android

  •  Control Center – Control Panel: Control center enables the controls of the most using apps like you see on IOS has, you can change volume here, change your music track which you see on the latest IOS10, and can use many shortcuts here.

ios emulator for android ios emulator for android

  •  HD Phone 6 I Call Screen OS9: Call screen matters the most in all, different Android has different calling UIs, and if you are bored of the same UI you can change the default UI from here.

ios emulator for android

  •  iNoty – iNotify OS 10: By Inoty you can make your Android up-down menu like IOS 10 has, it helps you to access your many widgets.

ios emulator for android

  •  Launcher for iPhone7 plus: Launcher, which is the most important part of the User Interface, there are so many launchers in the play store but the problem is no one is the pure looking IOS version, but this is the best launcher for the latest IOS version.

ios emulator for androidios emulator for android

  •  Lock Screen iOS 10 – iPhone 7: LOckscreen is the first screen which gives the first look of any smartphone, this app gives the latest IOS 10 lock screen.

ios emulator for android

  •  Easy Touch: This feature is now coming to many android smartphones but no one is same as the IOS has, it has so many shortcuts and looks same as the IOS looks.

ios emulator for android

  •  Apple Music: This is the only application released by Apple Inc. for the Android users so that they can enjoy Apple Music UI and features too.

ios emulator for android

These are the apps which transform your Android UI to the IOS UI and these are the best apps in their fields and has best ratings. Now enjoy the life of having an iPhone, a gift of Steve Jobs. And get rid our of your same UI of ANDROID.

There is another procedure by which you can use IOS apps on your Android Smartphone by an emulator but I personally don’t prefer it for use.

IOS Emulator For Android To Run iOS Apps On Android – iEMU APK

Main Features And Requirements Of iOS Emulator For Android iEMU APK:

  • You can access iOS applications on your Android tablets or mobiles.
  • You can get all the feature of an iOS application on your Android mobile or tablet.
  • It will save your game date in every moment.
  • iOS Emulator needs 2.3 higher Android version.
  • It supports all gamepads and Xperia Play built-in a gamepad.
  • iOS Emulator takes 61MB for app files.
  • Your Android mobile or tablet should have above 512MB RAM.
You can download the app by clicking on the image.




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